28 February 2023

A message from the Chairman about Oasis Pools

I would like to bring you up to date with the next steps in seeking to rebuild Oasis Pools with the assistance of all levels of Government as soon as possible.

Since the closure of the pools as a result of the negative findings of a full safety, structural and engineering review, we’ve been asking the community to lobby the three tiers of Government to provide financial support for the pool to be rebuilt. 

The Club has also been lobbying and explaining to Government that to rebuild the pool is beyond our financial capacity and we believe an obligation of Government, as it is in most communities where Council provides this service. Thank you to everyone who has supported this process to date.

We’ve been in ongoing dialogue with The Hon Justine Elliot, MP, Federal Member for Richmond, Mr Geoffrey Provest, MP, Member for Tweed, Tweed Shire Council and most recently, Craig Elliot as the Labor candidate for Tweed in the upcoming election. 

I think it’s fair to say they are all supportive and we all recognise the amounts involved in being able to rebuild the pool are substantial. 

The Club has been advised that to support our case for funding we should undertake a Socio-Economic Impact Study, not just of the pool but for the full proposed redevelopment of Club Banora. 

This will demonstrate the overall value to the community of the social, economic and job generation which the proposals will deliver and highlight the value to the community of having a revitalised community accessible pool as a centrepiece. 

The Club has engaged Ethos Urban to undertake this work and they will be holding consultations throughout March with all the stakeholders as they prepare the report which we will then use to further our representations.

The Club will soon release the masterplan for the entire property at Banora Point which has been the subject of ongoing consultation with Tweed Shire Council. We will shortly thereafter submit the plan as part of a new Development Application seeking approval to commence works. 

In that plan you will see that the pool has been allocated a new location in the same general area. As we’ve developed the plans, it’s been determined that to address the problems with the current pools and to make the area safe, the old pools and structures should be demolished and made good. 

This also means that the location for a new pool is not fixed to the existing site. In the masterplan, the site provided for a future pool is closer to the carpark and would allow the existing club plantroom to service the facility.

We will continue to work with government and then through the approvals process to bring this facility to reality as soon as possible but we have come to the realisation it would be some years before this could be achieved, even in a best-case scenario. 

This plan will allow other aspects of the site to continue to move forward while ensuring space is reserved for a pool while we seek the necessary funding. 

As noted, the next steps will be the release of the masterplan and many of you will also be contacted by Ethos Urban as part of their work. In the lead up to the NSW State Election on March 25, we also ask again that you seek support of the incumbent and prospective candidates for the seat of Tweed in ensuring they know that a pool at Banora Point is important to you.

Yours sincerely

Brian Brown


Click here to view letters written by Twin Towns to The Hon Justine Elliot, MP, Federal Member for Richmond; Mr Geoffrey Provest, MP, Member for Tweed; and Mr Troy Green, General Manager, Tweed Shire Council. The purpose of these letters is to enlist their support and guidance to secure Government funding to save Oasis Pools at Club Banora.

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