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multiple photos and facts about how Twin towns Supports the community

Over the years, Twin Towns has donated more than $29M to the local community, consistently exceeding their requirements through ClubGRANTS.

Community Contributions currently exceed $1million annually and the Club helps more people and community organisations through their philanthropic arm, the Twin Towns Services Community Foundation.

Community Contributions are dispersed across a broad cross-section of the community. Recipients include sport and recreation, early childhood, youth and education, disability support services, health and wellbeing, Indigenous and cultural programs, and community support organisations.

We are currently conducting an online survey and you are invited to have your say on organisations and initiatives you consider should be priorities when Twin Towns is determining its Community Contributions.

Your feedback will help us ensure that future recipients of funding are organisations and initiatives our community considers are most deserving of financial assistance and support.

Community Donations

Funds Policy

Twin Towns Services Club and its affiliated philanthropic association, the Twin Towns Services Community Foundation, provide financial and in-kind assistance to many local community groups and causes.

Each year, Twin Towns distributes funds to groups that are closely associated with the Club and its primary aims. Funds are also made available to external organisations, primarily in the Tweed region.

Twin Towns receives a large number of requests and to ensure funds are allocated in a transparent and fair manner, a series of policy documents have been developed.

These documents reflect Twin Towns commitment to Club members and the community, and the Club’s capacity in terms of financial performance to make these grants available.

Funds are allocated by the Club

  • To Tweed Heads & Coolangatta RSL Sub Branch, Twin Towns’ primary affiliated body.
  • To Internal Sections of the Club to support the sporting and recreational activities which members enjoy but are ancillary to our primary aims.
  • Through general grants in response to requests and natural disaster events.

Funds are allocated by the Foundation

Funds allocated by the Foundation are in accordance with the Charter of the Company and may be in response to any request or program deemed suitable by the Directors.

The aim of the document is to identify how funding is accessed through each of these categories and where the Club’s priorities are positioned.

Those interested are invited to select a category of support they wish to access and apply through the processes detailed.

In many circumstances, funds may be available through a number of sources and applications in each criteria are not normally required, with the exception of ClubGrants applications which must be in accordance with Government Regulations.

Twin Towns invites you to continue to share in our community funding through these programs. Our ability to provide funding is linked to our success and total distributions reflect the Club’s financial performance in the preceding year.

ClubGRANTS Categories 1 & 2 – Year Ending 31 August 2024

Category One Applications

ClubGRANTS Category One Applications open on 1 February and close on 31 May 2024.  All Category One applications are to be made via the link below.

Category Two Applications – Cash

ClubGRANTS Category Two Cash Applications for Round Two for the 2024 year opens on 4 April 2024 and closes on 31 July 2024.  All Category Two Applications for funding are to be made via the link below

Category Two Applications – In Kind

ClubGRANTS Category Two In Kind Applications for Round Two for the 2024 year opens on 4 April 2024 and closes on 31 July 2024.  All Category Two In Kind Applications are to be made via the link below

For all donation policy requests, please contact